#246 – Use it or Lose it

#246 – Use it or Lose it

290   ___   170   ____    ____   65   50 Fill in the number sequence. A friend sent me this puzzle that her 10-year-old was working on. I love a maths challenge when I see one, so started doodling away on a piece of paper. It took me a good while to solve and to be...
#245 – The Call to Courage

#245 – The Call to Courage

When you show up and be seen – “you are going to get your arse kicked” – Brene Brown I just finished watching the talk “The Call to Courage” with Brené Brown on Netflix (1). To a packed audience, she gives a really inspiring talk that is full of good humour, honesty...
#244 – Prompt Yourself

#244 – Prompt Yourself

“He prompted her with a prompt to take prompt action” Prompt is an interesting word. As a verb, you can encourage someone. As a noun, it is a cue to do something. As an adjective, it can mean something done immediately, without delay. You may be familiar with...
#243 – “No Problem”

#243 – “No Problem”

“No problem” – I used to say this a lot. I remember saying this to a coach I was working with many years ago and she told me that the subconscious mind would start looking for a problem even if there wasn’t one. It was an interesting concept that I hadn’t even thought...
#242 – Know What You Are Looking For

#242 – Know What You Are Looking For

One, two, three red cars…. When you are on the market for a red car, you start seeing them everywhere. It’s quite magic really, before you didn’t see any of them and then all of a sudden, they are everywhere. It’s like you turn on a switch in your mind that sets off...