
I love seeing progress.
Who doesn’t, right?

Recently, my mastermind buddy shared her progress chart with me.
I loved it.
Loved it so much, I asked if I could share it with you.

She’s writing a book.
She wanted to see her progress.
So, she made a flower and leaf chart.

Every time she writes 500 words…
She gets to color in a petal or leaf.
What a wonderful way to see how much you’ve done.

She has two approaches…
She spends 15 minutes a day writing, often turning into 30.
Or, when motivated, she aims for 500 words.
Which earns her a colored petal.

I love that she’s not relying on motivation alone.
She knows herself well.
She’s setting herself up for success.
She’s working with a book-writing coach.
She updates us in our mastermind calls.

And she’s creating a beautifully colored flower picture.
Keeping her going.
Showing herself her progress.

Where would you like to see progress?


Is there somewhere in your life that you would like to see more progress? If you would like help getting further, book a discovery call with me to discuss.