#47: Playing the “What if” game

#47: Playing the “What if” game

What if money was no object? What if I lived in another country? What if I lost my job tomorrow? What if this was my last year on earth? What if I lived until I was 120? This simple game can be surprisingly insightful. As children, we often pose and play with many...
#44: Experience and empathy

#44: Experience and empathy

We are often our own ideal clients. I have come across many coaches and therapists who work with what they have been through. It makes sense because you have both the experience and the empathy for your clients. You get what they are going through and can relate. My...
#42: Growth mindset

#42: Growth mindset

“Not everything has to work out” At a recent networking event, an entrepreneur said this to one of my friends and recalled the struggle come payday to pay his staff when he owned a restaurant. It sounded like he had tried quite a few things in his life. We often put...
#41: What’s your “producing style”?

#41: What’s your “producing style”?

“I’m not keen on blogging but I would like to make a podcast” A few of my entrepreneur friends have said this to me over the last few months and it got me thinking about learning styles (1); how we like to learn and absorb material. With visual, you prefer using...
#36: You’re not a baby elephant

#36: You’re not a baby elephant

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right” – Henry Ford Yesterday, I was with my little boy at the zoo and we spent a loooonnnngggg time watching elephants. It reminded me of an old story about how elephants are trained....