Dec 10, 2018 | Connection, Happiness, Productivity, Sales
Today I’m giving a workshop at a large bank on the “Power of Networking”. This will be my 5th year giving it and I love doing it. One of the exercises I get the participants to do is to think of 3 words that come to mind when they think of networking. Some come up...
Nov 27, 2018 | Beliefs, Sales
When I was younger, it would be rare for me to book a full board accommodation holiday. I would prefer being able to cook for myself or have the flexibility of trying different restaurants. Now with a young child, I can see the value of full board accommodation. As I...
Oct 17, 2018 | Happiness, Sales
For those that know me, you know I’m rather partial to a bit of chocolate. Ok, confession time, I’m a chocoholic. I live in Switzerland and Switzerland is known for chocolate and also for quality. When you put 1 and 1 together – you get Sprüngli (1). Yesterday,...
Sep 23, 2018 | Rapid Transformational Therapy, Sales
I used to find it easier to sell other people’s services rather than my own. Maybe that is why my last business Curious Courses was about presenting other speakers and their businesses. For me, it comes back to being told as a child to not show off and not blow my own...