Sep 8, 2021 | Mission, Vision
“I want to print the Märklin steam train” For the past few months, my little boy has been asking to go and see the Märklin steam train at our local toy store. There’s a video that’s on loop showing this black steam train, I’ve seen it now…only…let me think… a...
Jul 8, 2021 | Experience, Vision
“What if?” Recently at our Flip the Script meeting, someone new to the group shared an idea that was fueled by the thought “What if?”. What if I don’t do it? Would I regret not doing it? I remember having this thought back when I was working for a bank. What if I...
Jun 15, 2021 | Mission, Vision
At the end of this week I have my quarterly family offsite with my husband. It’s a regular event for us that we both look forward to. When we first started, it was a whole day event but nowadays, we can normally cover what we want to cover in just a few hours. It...
May 26, 2021 | Happiness, Vision
How young are you? How come we always ask «How old are you?» At our recent Toastmasters election meeting, one of the candidates introduced themselves and said “I am 42 years young”. I loved this introduction – I thought it was brilliant. By changing one word, he...
Apr 23, 2021 | Motivation, Vision
I recently went to a dentist office that had a wall covered in certificates and letters. As I was waiting to see the dentist, I started reading some of them. Some were certificates of his educational achievements and others were letters of acknowledgement or...