Imagine Switzerland’s Got Talent for Speakers. 8 speakers. 5 minutes stage time each. 3 Judges.

And I’m one of the judges! I’m so excited to be a part of the Stand up and Speak up Challenge (1) on Tuesday, 29th October 2019. 

I’ve known Tulia Lopes, the founder of this challenge for a number of years, originally from Toastmasters and then later with her work as part of the Awe Summit. 

She’s created an amazing energy packed platform where speakers can share their stories, get on the spot feedback and compete for winning the title of Best Speaker of the Year!

Their vision is to bring awareness of how people can use a stage to create an impact that has the power to transform other people’s lives. 

They are combining an inspirational and entertaining evening packed with amazing stories. Not only can the speakers hone their speaking skills, the audience will also be learning from all the feedback received. 

I’m really looking forward to the event, networking and giving feedback to the speakers. 

I invite you to come along and join us for the evening. Be entertained, learn a thing or two and maybe you’ll be one of the speakers next time round. You can buy tickets to the event here (2).

Are you ready to stand up and speak up? Are you up for the challenge?


1) http://www.speakchallenge.com/

2) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/stand-up-speak-up-challenge-tickets-64357776843