#594 – To-ing and Fro-ing

#594 – To-ing and Fro-ing

I was talking to a friend who was thinking about launching an offer to her clients before the end of the year. She was going back and forth with whether to do it or not. It was taking up a lot of mental energy. It reminded me of when I first set up my old business...
#560 – To Ask Or Not To Ask

#560 – To Ask Or Not To Ask

Have you ever hesitated to ask for feedback? I know I have. There’s this moment of thinking “What will they say?” but I go ahead and do it anyway. The reason I ask is because I have learnt so much from feedback, both positive and negative.  Having been a member of...
#440 – Abstract Yourself

#440 – Abstract Yourself

I hear the familiar intake of breath. I was speaking to a client about putting her work out there. It’s a common sound as the fear kicks in. A million thoughts along the lines of “Am I good enough?”, “What if people don’t like my work?”, “What are people going to...
#419 – Going Permie

#419 – Going Permie

When I worked for a bank, the term “going permie” meant that you had gotten a permanent contract having been a contractor beforehand.   As some companies extend the home working setup to the end of the year or even to next year and others require just a fraction...
#347 – It’s Not Personal

#347 – It’s Not Personal

It’s not personal… until it happens to you. We play this game with my little boy where he asks for pieces of opposite puzzles (i.e. in or out, up or down, etc) and we give them to him. He first asked for the “thin rabbit” and then instead of asking for the “fat...