Dec 9, 2021 | Experience, Happiness
What’s your calendar like? Do you run a tight schedule with back-to-back meetings? Or do you try to keep it easy with something every now and then? We recently travelled to the UK to look at schools and I tried to keep the appointments spread out with space in...
Nov 16, 2021 | Experience, Families on the Spectrum, Happiness
“I regret to inform you…” I was recently in tears as I read the email informing me we couldn’t get a place at the school for my son that we wanted. I had set my sights on this little school and when I got the email, I was filled with shock, disappointment, and dismay....
Jul 28, 2021 | Beliefs, Happiness
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King I was in a mastermind group breakout room and was speaking about how I would love to support parents of children with special needs as well in the future. My son needs...
Jul 27, 2021 | Experience, Happiness
“There’s no such thing as rejection, only alignment” – Stephanie Zhong Last week, I attended the Selena Soo 2 day virtual retreat as part of the Impact Accelerator program and I had many insights. One of the amazing ladies in the group Stephanie Zhong (1) who is a...
Jul 20, 2021 | Experience, Happiness
Have you ever said this yourself? I often hear this from my clients. It often comes with a pang of guilt; a mixture of pride having high standards and being annoyed with themselves because they know it takes them more time. I’ve seen it when people talk about writing...